Meet Owen Clemmons, a talented 14-year-old cowboy from Alabama who has quickly made a name for himself in the junior rodeo world. Despite being just an 8th grader, he is already a champion athlete, excelling in bull riding, bareback bronc riding, and chute dogging. His undeniable talent and dedication have earned him the title of Fairhope Roughstock Company's May Athlete Of The Month, as well as numerous awards and accolades along the way.
Owen's exceptional skills and prowess have made him a standout athlete in the youth rodeo world, consistently impressing both audiences and judges alike. He has competed in numerous prestigious events, including the Alabama Junior Rodeo Association finals rodeo, where he tied for 1st place in bull riding. If you're a fan of rodeo, you won't want to miss watching Owen showcase his undeniable talent and skill.
Growing up in a family of accomplished bull riders, Owen's passion for the sport was sparked at a young age. His family's involvement in bull riding instilled in him a strong sense of responsibility and respect, helping him excel both in his personal and professional life. His dad, a bull rider himself, is Owen's biggest role model and mentor, providing guidance and support in all aspects of life.
Owen's personal best score of 80 points on a bull in Jay, FL is just the beginning for this dedicated athlete. He has set his sights on even bigger accomplishments, including winning a state championship title in at least one event this year. His ultimate goal is to win a gold buckle, the most prestigious title in rodeo, and he's determined to make his dream a reality through intense training, focus, and determination.
Owen Clemmons is a name to watch in the rodeo world, and a true inspiration to young athletes everywhere. If you're a fan of rodeo, be sure to keep an eye out for this rising star.
1 comment
Owen is a special young boy to my family .We all love Owen